Clouda Empowers Stanley Engineered Fastening with Seamless Multi-Wishlist Management on VTEX

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wishlist management


Stanley Engineered Fastening, a leader in industrial solutions, aimed to enhance its customers’ shopping experience by simplifying wishlist and cart management. To meet this goal, Clouda Inc. developed a custom VTEX app featuring multi-wishlist functionality, intuitive item transfer between lists, and seamless wishlist-to-cart conversion capabilities. With the new system, Stanley’s customers can create, manage, and organize unlimited wish lists effortlessly, reinforcing Stanley’s commitment to an optimized and user-friendly eCommerce journey.



Technologies Used

VTEX, MasterData, ReactJs, Typescript, HTML, CSS, GraphQL, REST APIs

Key Takeaways

  • Simplified product management with single-click wishlist creation
  • Flexible, multi-wishlist support for personalized organization
  • Easy conversion between wishlists and cart
  • Intuitive functionality to move products between wishlists
  • Ability to add items or entire lists from wishlist to cart, and vice versa


Stanley Engineered Fastening faced several challenges in streamlining its product organization for customers on its VTEX-powered eCommerce platform. They needed a robust system that allowed users to manage multiple wishlists and effortlessly move products between them. This system had to support wishlist-to-cart conversion and vice versa, enabling customers to save and retrieve lists flexibly.

Additional requirements included the ability for users to create wish lists on the fly when adding products and to keep the system’s core services continuously available for a seamless experience. In essence, Stanley required a powerful, user-centric solution for smart list management, unrestricted by limits on Wishlist numbers or complexity.


To address Stanley Engineered Fastening’s needs, we developed a custom VTEX app designed to integrate seamlessly into their platform. The app provided all requested wishlist functionalities, accompanied by an intuitive, sleek, and responsive user interface.

Key capabilities of the app include

Multi-Wishlist Management:
Customers can create, edit, move, and delete multiple wish lists, offering maximum flexibility and personalization.

Wishlist-to-Cart Conversion:
Users can transfer single items or entire wish lists to the cart and add cart contents to new or existing wish lists with a single click.

Product Movement Between Wishlists:
Customers can move products freely between wishlists for easy organization.

A keep-alive service was also implemented to ensure constant availability of the smart list feature, supporting Stanley’s commitment to a reliable customer experience.


The solution empowered Stanley’s customers with the ultimate flexibility in managing their wish lists. With the ability to create any number of smart lists and move products easily among them, customers can now effortlessly shift items from lists to carts as needed, enhancing their shopping experience and fostering greater engagement.

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